CMPA – Milk Allergy in Babies – Advice from a UK Paediatrician
Today, I’m excited to share essential information about CMPA, or Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy. As promised, I’m also sharing a short video where I delve deeper into the subject, answering common questions and providing helpful tips for managing CMPA in babies.
Understanding CMPA: CMPA occurs when a baby’s immune system reacts to proteins found in cow’s milk, leading to various uncomfortable symptoms. Babies with CMPA may experience tummy troubles, skin issues like eczema, excessive crying, vomiting, and slow weight gain. As a parent, recognizing these signs early is crucial for timely management.
Dr. Yiannis’s Video on CMPA: I invite you to watch my video on CMPA, where I cover important topics like identifying symptoms, diagnosis, and effective management strategies. Click the link below to access the video on our Childhealthy YouTube channel: Watch Dr. Yiannis’s Video on CMPA

What are the symptoms of CMPA in babies?
CMPA can manifest as digestive issues (colic, diarrhoea, vomiting), skin problems (rashes, eczema), respiratory symptoms, and slow weight gain. Understanding these signs can help you seek timely medical advice.
How is CMPA diagnosed?
If you suspect CMPA, consult a paediatrician who will perform a thorough evaluation. This may include observing your baby’s symptoms, dietary changes, and, if needed, conducting specific tests.
What dietary changes are required for managing CMPA?
Managing CMPA involves eliminating cow’s milk proteins from your baby’s diet. Breastfeeding mums may need to modify their diet, while formula-fed babies may require hypoallergenic formulas.
Tips for managing CMPA in babies:
- Seek Expert Guidance: If you suspect CMPA or notice concerning symptoms, consult a paediatrician promptly. Early diagnosis and expert advice are vital for proper management.
- Read Labels Carefully: When selecting baby food or formula, check labels for cow’s milk proteins. Opt for clearly labelled dairy-free or hypoallergenic alternatives.
- Inform Caregivers: Ensure other caregivers are aware of the CMPA diagnosis and dietary restrictions. Clear communication ensures consistency in your baby’s diet.
- Stay Patient and Positive: Managing CMPA can be challenging, but with support and guidance, your baby can thrive. Stay patient and positive throughout the journey.
- Keep Track of Progress: Record your baby’s symptoms and any changes after dietary adjustments. This information can be helpful during doctor’s visits and in monitoring progress.
I hope this information and the video provide valuable insights into CMPA and its management. Remember, is here to empower you with knowledge and support on your parenting journey.
Take care and wishing you and your little one good health!
Dr. Yiannis and the Childhealthy team.

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