Why Vaccines Are Important For Children
Vaccines are one of our most effective health interventions. Vaccines have protected the human race from dangerous diseases such as Hepatitis B, Smallpox, and Polio for centuries. Although our immune system is our body’s natural defence barrier, it often needs strengthening with vaccines to help us bypass the risks that come with dangerous infections.Â
In this article, we will discuss the importance of vaccinations for children and why they need them. It will include factual information regarding the importance of vaccines.

How Do Vaccines Work?
Although many vaccines are different, most vaccines contain antigens that trigger an immune response within the body. Your body then starts to create antibodies to help fight off the infection. This then provides you with protection if you ever encounter the disease later in your life. This is because your body already has created the antibodies to fight off the infection, helping you to become immune.
Facts About Vaccines
Vaccines are very effective and this has been proven time and time again. For example, vaccines helped reduce Measles deaths by 78% between 2000 and 2008. Let’s take the time to understand the importance of vaccines by looking at some key facts about vaccines.
- Protect your child against serious and potentially life-threatening diseases
- Prevents the spread of disease to those around you
- Each vaccine undergoes rigorous testing before it is introduced. After it is introduced, the vaccine continues to be monitored for side effects
- Vaccines can reduce and, in some cases, get rid of diseases altogetherÂ
- Vaccines can cause mild side effects, but these will subside after a short period of time. Your child can feel slightly unwell for 2-3 days and have a sore arm
- Vaccines do not overload or weaken your immune systemÂ
- Do not cause allergies or any other condition that could damage your healthÂ
- Do not cause autism. There has been no evidence to support claims that the MMR vaccine causes autism
Why Are Vaccines Important?
Vaccinations are one of the best ways to protect our children and others they come into contact with from ill-health. They prevent up to 3 million deaths worldwide each year. Since their introduction into the UK, vaccines have drastically minimised the number of cases related to deadly diseases like Polio and Smallpox. If we stop our children from getting vaccines, infections like these will reappear, and diseases will start to spread rapidly.
Why You Should Get Your Child Vaccinated
Vaccines are created to protect your child from a long list of diseases. For example, the Varicella vaccine protects your child from the severity of Chickenpox. The MMR vaccine protects your child from three illnesses: Measles, Mumps and Rubella. All of these illnesses can pose threats to your child’s health. In some cases, there can even be life-changing consequences. Below are some important reasons why your child should get vaccinated.
- Strengthens your child’s immune system: Some deadly diseases are difficult for your child’s immune system to fend off. Therefore, vaccines are needed to help strengthen it.Â
- Protects your child and others from serious diseases: Vaccines contain a small number of antigens that help your child’s immune system fight off serious diseases.
It is important to note that vaccines can bring mild side effects. However, these are often nothing to worry about. Your child may feel unwell for a couple of days, but this is normal, and it will subside.
Child Vaccine Schedule
A vaccine schedule provides you with the necessary information regarding your child’s required vaccinations. Not only does it outline the vaccines your child needs, but it also specifies what age they will need them. Vaccines are given on the schedule to protect your child from vaccine-preventable diseases. Each vaccine is carefully planned to be administered at a time when it can have its best effect.Â
Here at Childhealthy, we understand that it can be difficult for parents to watch their children get vaccinated. However, these vaccines are designed to protect your child. Our team has years of experience administering vaccines and will put both you and your child’s minds at ease.
Where To Get Children’s Vaccines
All children are eligible to receive vaccines for free through their GP. Some vaccines, such as the Chickenpox vaccine, influenza vaccine (under 2 years), BCG, hepatitis a, and travel vaccines are not available for all children via the UK immunisation schedule. Childhealthy offers all vaccinations to protect your child including all those on the UK immunisation schedule and international schedules. Take a look at the list of vaccinations that we offer.Â
Our booking process is very straightforward. Please contact us via the contact page on our website or book online, and we can book your child in for vaccination at a time that suits you.
- The MMR vaccine and autism
- NHS VaccinationsÂ
- Our World In Data: VaccinationsÂ
- NHS: Hepatitis B
- NHS: Polio
- Mayo Clinic: Smallpox Symptoms & Causes
Disclaimer: Information contained in this article is intended as general advice and does not replace a medical assessment. If you are concerned about your child please contact your doctor for advice.

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